Thursday 10 September 2015

Mythic Kilrogg - Retribution Paladin

the 2 dps who enter the first vision of death will be the main dps power of this encounter. if you are the appointed one, this will be both a very challenging and fun fight for you as you definitely want to min-max your dps.

DPS Priority

1) blood globule & salivating bloodthirster
these 2 adds are the most dangerous. allowing the blood globlue to touch the boss or allowing a bloodthirster to touch the pool will easily cause a wipe. however, both adds are not efficient for melee-dps unless they came close to the boss. usually, range-dps should be enough to manage them unless the heart seeker runners screw up. raid always screw up towards the end when 2 heart seeker came at once.

2) hulking terror
hulking terror is the next priority but if you are assigned to interrupt hulking terror, then you should just tunnel dps on the hulking terror and focus on interrupts as your highest priority. it is very crucial not to miss any interrupt because the raid will take a lot of damage if a cast went off. it is necessary to assign at least 3 players to chain interrupt. another thing to remember is to run away from the hulking terror when it is about to die because they will explode with fel corruption. once they explode, melee-dps has to soak in the green pool until it is gone completely.

3) kilrogg deadeye
dps the boss when there is no near-by adds

Vision of Death

i find that righteous fury & seal of righteous is very helpful here.

as the mobs enter the room, righteous fury will help you to gather aggro and hold them near the entrance. this is very useful because when the large demon die, it will leave behind a powerful ground aoe damage pool. we definitely don't want the large demon to die in the middle of the room where your range-dps, healer and khadgar are standing. even if the range-dps and healer can avoid the pool, khadgar won't move at all and he will die very fast inside the pool. if khadgar died, the vision of death will end pre-maturely and we won't get 20 stacks. we must delay and survive long enough so that all 3 players has 20 stacks of undying.

another CD i would recommend is to use avenging wrath inside here. you may feel a little bit wasteful to spend 1 wing but i believe it is worth it because killing the first few mobs quickly really help me to get 20 stacks much easier.

Spec: Unbreakable Spirit vs Clemency

the benefit of unbreakable spirit is being able to use divine protection for every death throes. death throes is a strong raid-wide aoe damage which happen every 45 seconds. but this is probably not a strong reason to choose unbreakable spirit over clemency. i believe every raid leader will ask their paladin to choose clemency so that the raid can remove 1 more heart seeker debuff. of course, we are still able to use divine protection for every alternate death throes.

as a DPS, it is always better to wait for the healers or the raid leader to call out when to use our hand of protection or hand of sacrifice. using our hands at the correct moment is much more meaningful because the healers will know when they needed extra help. if people are too busy to call, maybe the best is to have assignment done pre-pull.

Spec: Final Verdict vs Seraphim

i've seen very good result from paladin using either final-verdict and seraphim spec.

final-verdict is always strong at cleaving and there are plenty of cleaving opportunity in this fight because the adds came in constantly.

seraphim will shine if you are being assigned to enter the vision of death and is even better if you have the privilege to be the legendary ring user, mainly due to the 200% damage increase multiplier effect from vision of death. i am usually assigned to went into the vision of death so i'll choose seraphim over final-verdict.

Trinkets: Empty Drinking Horn & Vial of Convulsive Shadows

vial of convulsive shadows is my choice because i am usually assigned into the vision of death. when i came out with 20 stacks, i can align all the 7 stars together, namely ES-wings of libery10, avenging wrath, seraphim, legendary ring, trinket, strength potion, blood lust and do insane dps for the next 20 seconds.

libram is quite annoying to use because i am assigned into the vision of death and my LOV stacks will drop off. when we came back outside, we use the legend ring almost immediately but i will not have time to rebuild 3 LOV stacks. i feel it can be a potential dps loss as compared to vial of convulsive shadows.

unending hunger may be stronger than the vial but it hasn't drop for me yet.

discordant chorus feels a bit lacking because we will only hit 2 targets at best.

AW Planning

1st AW + 1st Ring = use on start
2nd AW = inside vision of death
3rd AW + 2nd Ring = use after 1st vision of death
4th AW onwards = whenever ES is ready

my guild pop everything at the beginning together with the legendary ring. the first vision of death will come around 1:15 into the fight, remember to cast a ES before going inside.

seal of righteous = when inside vision of death

seal of truth = when outside boss room

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