Tuesday 22 September 2015

Mythic Socrethar - Retribution Paladin

this fight focus a lot on interrupting the boss, in a way it reminds me of mythic oregorger where missing 1 interrupt will shorten the duration we can dps the boss. for socrethar, we set up 3 teams of interrupters and keep rotating among us because missing 2 interrupts will end p2 and no guild will want to repeat p1.

Spec: Unbreakable Spirit vs Clemency

i would prefer unbreakable spirit because both overwhelming power and apocalyptic felburst hurt a great deal in mythic. for survival purpose, it is necessary to use divine protection for every apocalyptic felburst in p1.

p2 is not that dangerous but we can also use divine protection for every apocalypse. besides, tank don't really need our hand of sacrifice in this fight.

Spec: Final Verdict vs Seraphim

both specs should perform equally good. FV is strong because we spend the majority of the time in p2 where there are opportunity to cleave the shadowcallers with the boss.

for equal dps, i'll still choose seraphim over FV because seraphim has the ability to burst dps. dominator must be killed asap and ret paladin is the king of burst dps. no other class (only hunters came close to us) can burst down the dominator as fast as we can.

DPS Priority

dominator > shadowcallers > socrethar

dominator will cast a shield on socrethar which prevent us from interrupting extert dominance. if socrethar managed to cast extert dominance 2 times in a row, the construct will be dead and it is a wipe. the entire raid must zerg down the dominator in a few seconds and quickly interrupt socrethar.

shadowcallers cast painful DOT and AOE on the raid. to make our healers life easier, we try to kill shadowcallers whenever it is near the boss.

Trinkets: Empty Drinking Horn & Discordant Chorus

vial of convulsive shadows is a dps loss because you will never be able to sync with the legend ring.

libram is still a very strong choice but i find it quite annoying to use because you'll need to change targets a few times. and the legend ring will always be use on the dominator, which is a fresh target, thus reseting your LOV stacks when you needed it most.

discordant chorus offer us consistent dps via cleaving and there are quite a few targets to cleave in p2.

unending hunger has good potential but it hasn't drop for me yet.

Additional Notes

phase 1
fel prison - avoid green circle on the floor
volatile fel orb - range mechanic
fellbaze charge - quickly back face towards the desired position your guild has planned for melee
reverberating blow - avoid standing in front of the boss at all times
apocalyptic felburst - use divine protection
overwhelming power - pray that healers top you up
voracious soulstalker - keep a distance away when it is going to spawn, then range will kite this mob away, into a prison trap

phase 2
gift of manari - avoid standing inside players with the yellow circle
haunting soul - don't let any of them touch you, range dps will take care of them

AW Planning

1st AW - during pull
2nd AW + 1st Ring = 1st dominator
3rd AW = shortly after 2nd AW
4th AW + 2nd Ring = 2nd dominator
5th AW = shortly after 4th AW

for the initial pull, build up 5 holy power first before popping avenging wrath and seraphim.

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