Saturday 24 October 2015

Proving Ground Endless Healer Wave 60+

wave 67 screenshot

during this weekend, i happen to have some free time and decided to give proving grounds endless healing a try. i heard it has a slight nerf because mobs should die faster since 6.1 but i am not sure about that because it has been so long since i last step foot into the proving grounds.

i remember i got endless 30 achievements for all my 3 specs (dps / heal / tank) in early WOD, before starting highmaul raiding. i find it quite enjoyable but proving grounds can be a huge time sink and i have to stop it when our WOD raiding officially began.

today, i thought i will fail horribly but i am very surprised to get to wave 50+ very consistently, and there is no mana issue at all, not even a drink is needed. i guess it's partly because of my gears now, since i have the legendary ring, class trinket and my BiS crit set collection from tannan jungle and timewalking. i play up till wave 68 when the firecaller simply kill one of my party member with a single fireball and i'm not sure how to save him. lol

there are many guides out there for healing proving ground. some tried to be very detail, suggesting you to multi-task, to stun a particular mob in each wave, or interrupt a flamecaller / hive-singer, etc. but considering how rusty i was in proving ground, i did not use Fist of Justice or Rebuke for waves 1-50. this means that if you are just after the endless 30 achievement, you can save yourself the trouble, simply focus on topping the hp bar, and you should have much better success.

CD Planning

the one and only thing you need to prepare before beginning is to decide when to use your major cooldown and make sure you keep to your plan as faithfully as possible. if you forget to use the CD, just forget it and move on, do not try to use it at the wrong time and screw up your own plan later.

the arrangement of CD does not have to be the best setup because the main idea is to form a habit. practise a few times for efficiency and everything will automatically became easier after it gets into your muscle memory. for example, this is my plan:

wave 1 - no CD needed
wave 2 - Avenging Wrath
wave 3 - Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift
wave 4 - Devotion Aura + Hand of Sacrifice
wave 5 - Avenging Wrath + Hand of Sacrifice
wave 6 - Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift
wave 7 - Avenging Wrath + Hand of Sacrifice
wave 8 - Divine Shield + Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift
wave 9 - Devotion Aura + Avenging Wrath
wave 10 - Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift + Hand of Sacrifice

there are only 10 different waves and it keeps repeating itself so we can simply stick to the same strategy. for example, wave 11 is same as 1, and wave 12 is the same as wave 2, but higher damage.

every wave is 1 minute long, which is why we can use our CD that often.

the most dangerous wave in my opinion is 9 > 5 > 2 > 4 and that's why i plan my Avenging Wrath for these waves.

Important Debuff

there are only 2 debuff you need to be aware of. make sure your healing UI can see them!

an annoying debuff apply by the tunneler and you must top up the victim asap

Aqua Bomb
cleanse this debuff asap before it explode

Talents & Trinkets

Intuition's Gift
i like to have an extra CD to use

Libram of Vindication
our class trinket is really powerful. our holy light & flash of light heals for double the amount

Sanctified Wrath
Holy Prism
Beacon of Faith
same as my raiding spec, i prefer to use what i am already comfortable with.

Wave 1: flamecaller, ripper, ripper

very easy wave
mainly focus on the tank
no CD is needed

Wave 2: hivesinger, aqualyte, ripper

when hivesinger Sonic Blast hit the party, it is the signal for me to use Avenging Wrath

Wave 3: tunneler, tunneler, ripper

this wave always begins with a Chomp debuff.
that debuff is the signal for me to use Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift

Wave 4: aqualyte, aqualyte, flamecaller

this is the only wave with 2 aqualyte, which means 2 Aqua Bomb debuff at the same time. always cleanse the melee team as priority because they will explode onto each other. if the debuff falls on me, i can stand away from the party and use Divine Protection.

i notice tank healing often fall behind in this wave because GCD is being wasted on cleanse as well as topping up the other victim of aqua bomb. when i feel that im falling behind, i will use Devotion Aura + Hand of Sacrifice

Wave 5: conqueror, hivesinger, tunneler

when hivesinger Sonic Blast hit the party, it is the signal for me to use Avenging Wrath
when conqueror enrage, use Hand of Sacrifice on the tank.

Wave 6: aqualyte, flamecaller, tunneler

the moment i see Chomp debuff, i'll use Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift
this wave is not difficult, at least i never die here before.

Wave 7: conqueror, conqueror, hivesinger

when hivesinger Sonic Blast hit the party, it is the signal for me to use Avenging Wrath
when conqueror enrage, use Hand of Sacrifice on the tank.

Wave 8: flamecaller, flamecaller, flamecaller, flamecaller, ripper

4 flamecaller will start shooting lava into the sky at the beginning, covering a large ground area with the lava.

when the lava is about to land on me, i always use Divine Shield + Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift.

the reason why i use divine shield is because the fireballs from the flamecaller is very deadly. they will shoot randomly at your party and it is very important to top up the victim asap before the next fireball come. if you waste time running out from lava, there is a chance that someone will be dead before you can heal.

Wave 9: hivesinger, tunneler, aqualyte

this is probably the hardest wave!

get ready to use Devotion Aura immediately once the mobs are spawned.

right from the start, the enemy will do their worst combo
hivesinger will Sonic Blast
tunneler will Chomp
aqualyte will Aqua Bomb

Avenging Wrath and Holy Prism, top up and cleanse everyone asap.

Wave 10: conqueror, flamecaller, aqualyte

even though this is the final wave, it's really easy to heal because the only thing we need to watch out is the enrage.

when conqueror enrage, use Hand of Sacrifice + Etheralus, the Eternal Reward + Intuition's Gift and you win.

at the end of wave 10, there should be a 10 seconds grace of non-combat free time. you can use this time to eat a new food or a new flask if they are going to expire.

1 comment:

  1. This information is great! Just what I was looking for.
