Friday 15 January 2016

Mythic HFC Talents and Trinkets

i notice in my guild that different players have different objectives when farming contents.

1) some enjoy going for speed kills
2) some like to min-max to achieve better dps ranking
3) some prefer to gear their alts during farming
4) a few wanted to perform better execution and strategy

since my guild have a mix of all these players, although we are in the same raid, we each have our own ways to play, hue hue hue

but when we started to wipe too often, all of us eventually align our thoughts towards (4) better execution just to kill the boss first, and leave out the desires for "next week"

while progressing mythic HFC, i remember i rarely use LOV other than iron reaver, fel lord and tyrant, because when raid overall dps is slow, a lot of hard target switching is necessary. but once we enter farming mode, i find that i don't really need to perform hard target switch that often and LOV is doing great for a lot more bosses now.

every guild progress differently. for example, my guild is slow at killing doomlord and infernals during progression. the raid leader always request everybody to hard switch, and it is also common for the doomlord/infernals to be out-of-range from boss. it takes around 1 month of farming before LOV can be use comfortably. therefore, the heirloom trinket is actually pretty good for both mythic mannoroth and archimonde.

Mythic Archimonde

Seal of Righteousness

Long Arm of the Law - handle shackles and dance
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence
Final Verdict

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Mannoroth

Seal of Righteousness

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Divine Purpose
Light's Hammer
Final Verdict

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Xhul'horac

Seal of Righteousness

Long Arm of the Law - handle fel surge
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Light's Hammer

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Tyrant

Seal of Truth

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Fel Lord

Seal of Truth

Long Arm of the Law - handle seed
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Scorethar

Seal of Truth

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Iskar

Seal of Righteousness

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Holy Avenger
Light's Hammer

Vial of Convulsive Shadows
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Gorefiend

Seal of Truth

Long Arm of the Law - handle many mechanics
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Kilrogg

Seal of Truth

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Vial of Convulsive Shadows
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Council

Seal of Righteousness
Seal of Truth

Speed of Light - handle reap
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Kormrok

Seal of Righteousness

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Light's Hammer
Final Verdict

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Reaver

Seal of Truth

Pursuit of Justice
Unbreakable Spirit
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence

Libram of Vindication
Empty Drinking Horn

Mythic Assault

Seal of Righteousness

Pursuit of Justice
Sanctified Wrath
Execution Sentence
Final Verdict

Discordant Chorus
Empty Drinking Horn

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